Schedule - Primitive Movement x Swole AF | Garden Grove, CA


09/22/2024 - 09/28/2024


No sessions


5:00am - 5:50am



Forged: Lower Body Push/Upper Body Pull

To Forge something requires durable materials such as steel, but also YOUR fortitude and strength of will. It requires a great deal of heat and pressure in the form of hammering the metal together into a desired shape or form. A form that is “Resilient” when faced with challenges. And the best part about this process is you can shape it into anything you need it or would like it to be. Same as YOUR fortitude and strength of will! In our “Forged” class you can expect heavy weight to be lifted with immaculate precision to ensure safe practice, but most importantly to ensure you are building into YOUR goals as intended. 

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Squats

  • Barbell Step Back Lunges

  • Dumbbell Walking Lunges

  • Bulgarian Split Squats

  • Barbell Rows

  • Pull-ups

  • Dumbbell Rows

  • Etc.

6:00am - 6:50am



Forged: Lower Body Push/Upper Body Pull

To Forge something requires durable materials such as steel, but also YOUR fortitude and strength of will. It requires a great deal of heat and pressure in the form of hammering the metal together into a desired shape or form. A form that is “Resilient” when faced with challenges. And the best part about this process is you can shape it into anything you need it or would like it to be. Same as YOUR fortitude and strength of will! In our “Forged” class you can expect heavy weight to be lifted with immaculate precision to ensure safe practice, but most importantly to ensure you are building into YOUR goals as intended. 

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Squats

  • Barbell Step Back Lunges

  • Dumbbell Walking Lunges

  • Bulgarian Split Squats

  • Barbell Rows

  • Pull-ups

  • Dumbbell Rows

  • Etc.

9:00am - 9:50am



Forged: Lower Body Push/Upper Body Pull

To Forge something requires durable materials such as steel, but also YOUR fortitude and strength of will. It requires a great deal of heat and pressure in the form of hammering the metal together into a desired shape or form. A form that is “Resilient” when faced with challenges. And the best part about this process is you can shape it into anything you need it or would like it to be. Same as YOUR fortitude and strength of will! In our “Forged” class you can expect heavy weight to be lifted with immaculate precision to ensure safe practice, but most importantly to ensure you are building into YOUR goals as intended. 

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Squats

  • Barbell Step Back Lunges

  • Dumbbell Walking Lunges

  • Bulgarian Split Squats

  • Barbell Rows

  • Pull-ups

  • Dumbbell Rows

  • Etc.

3:30pm - 4:20pm



Forged: Lower Body Push/Upper Body Pull

To Forge something requires durable materials such as steel, but also YOUR fortitude and strength of will. It requires a great deal of heat and pressure in the form of hammering the metal together into a desired shape or form. A form that is “Resilient” when faced with challenges. And the best part about this process is you can shape it into anything you need it or would like it to be. Same as YOUR fortitude and strength of will! In our “Forged” class you can expect heavy weight to be lifted with immaculate precision to ensure safe practice, but most importantly to ensure you are building into YOUR goals as intended. 

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Squats

  • Barbell Step Back Lunges

  • Dumbbell Walking Lunges

  • Bulgarian Split Squats

  • Barbell Rows

  • Pull-ups

  • Dumbbell Rows

  • Etc.

4:30pm - 5:20pm



Forged: Lower Body Push/Upper Body Pull

To Forge something requires durable materials such as steel, but also YOUR fortitude and strength of will. It requires a great deal of heat and pressure in the form of hammering the metal together into a desired shape or form. A form that is “Resilient” when faced with challenges. And the best part about this process is you can shape it into anything you need it or would like it to be. Same as YOUR fortitude and strength of will! In our “Forged” class you can expect heavy weight to be lifted with immaculate precision to ensure safe practice, but most importantly to ensure you are building into YOUR goals as intended. 

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Squats

  • Barbell Step Back Lunges

  • Dumbbell Walking Lunges

  • Bulgarian Split Squats

  • Barbell Rows

  • Pull-ups

  • Dumbbell Rows

  • Etc.

6:00pm - 6:50pm


Angelika Pasion


Forged: Lower Body Push/Upper Body Pull

To Forge something requires durable materials such as steel, but also YOUR fortitude and strength of will. It requires a great deal of heat and pressure in the form of hammering the metal together into a desired shape or form. A form that is “Resilient” when faced with challenges. And the best part about this process is you can shape it into anything you need it or would like it to be. Same as YOUR fortitude and strength of will! In our “Forged” class you can expect heavy weight to be lifted with immaculate precision to ensure safe practice, but most importantly to ensure you are building into YOUR goals as intended. 

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Squats

  • Barbell Step Back Lunges

  • Dumbbell Walking Lunges

  • Bulgarian Split Squats

  • Barbell Rows

  • Pull-ups

  • Dumbbell Rows

  • Etc.

7:00pm - 7:50pm


Angelika Pasion


Forged: Lower Body Push/Upper Body Pull

To Forge something requires durable materials such as steel, but also YOUR fortitude and strength of will. It requires a great deal of heat and pressure in the form of hammering the metal together into a desired shape or form. A form that is “Resilient” when faced with challenges. And the best part about this process is you can shape it into anything you need it or would like it to be. Same as YOUR fortitude and strength of will! In our “Forged” class you can expect heavy weight to be lifted with immaculate precision to ensure safe practice, but most importantly to ensure you are building into YOUR goals as intended. 

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Squats

  • Barbell Step Back Lunges

  • Dumbbell Walking Lunges

  • Bulgarian Split Squats

  • Barbell Rows

  • Pull-ups

  • Dumbbell Rows

  • Etc.



5:00am - 5:50am

Fyre AF

Fyre AF

Fyre AF: Power/Athletic Development/Conditioning

Light them up! The goal with longevity in health and fitness is to be as capable as possible LONG TERM. This means being able to move exceptionally WELL. The more movement ability we can build, maintain, and move through NOW means we're in a pretty good position to be able to maintain our power, aerobic conditioning, and sense of awareness in movement. The goal is to keep it in the routine…and THIS is part of that routine :).

Movement examples below:

  • Single-sided pressing patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Single-sided pulling patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Single-leg hinge patterns (BW + DB’s +BB)

  • Single-leg squat patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Power movements: sprints, cutting, jumping, rotational

  • Core strengthening movements: anti rotation, rotation, unilateral

  • Conditioning: BW + light DB + light BB

  • Etc

6:00am - 6:50am

Fyre AF

Fyre AF

Fyre AF: Power/Athletic Development/Conditioning

Light them up! The goal with longevity in health and fitness is to be as capable as possible LONG TERM. This means being able to move exceptionally WELL. The more movement ability we can build, maintain, and move through NOW means we're in a pretty good position to be able to maintain our power, aerobic conditioning, and sense of awareness in movement. The goal is to keep it in the routine…and THIS is part of that routine :).

Movement examples below:

  • Single-sided pressing patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Single-sided pulling patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Single-leg hinge patterns (BW + DB’s +BB)

  • Single-leg squat patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Power movements: sprints, cutting, jumping, rotational

  • Core strengthening movements: anti rotation, rotation, unilateral

  • Conditioning: BW + light DB + light BB

  • Etc

9:00am - 9:50am

Fyre AF

Fyre AF

Fyre AF: Power/Athletic Development/Conditioning

Light them up! The goal with longevity in health and fitness is to be as capable as possible LONG TERM. This means being able to move exceptionally WELL. The more movement ability we can build, maintain, and move through NOW means we're in a pretty good position to be able to maintain our power, aerobic conditioning, and sense of awareness in movement. The goal is to keep it in the routine…and THIS is part of that routine :).

Movement examples below:

  • Single-sided pressing patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Single-sided pulling patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Single-leg hinge patterns (BW + DB’s +BB)

  • Single-leg squat patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Power movements: sprints, cutting, jumping, rotational

  • Core strengthening movements: anti rotation, rotation, unilateral

  • Conditioning: BW + light DB + light BB

  • Etc

3:30pm - 4:20pm

Fyre AF

Fyre AF

Fyre AF: Power/Athletic Development/Conditioning

Light them up! The goal with longevity in health and fitness is to be as capable as possible LONG TERM. This means being able to move exceptionally WELL. The more movement ability we can build, maintain, and move through NOW means we're in a pretty good position to be able to maintain our power, aerobic conditioning, and sense of awareness in movement. The goal is to keep it in the routine…and THIS is part of that routine :).

Movement examples below:

  • Single-sided pressing patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Single-sided pulling patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Single-leg hinge patterns (BW + DB’s +BB)

  • Single-leg squat patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Power movements: sprints, cutting, jumping, rotational

  • Core strengthening movements: anti rotation, rotation, unilateral

  • Conditioning: BW + light DB + light BB

  • Etc

4:30pm - 5:20pm

Fyre AF

Fyre AF

Fyre AF: Power/Athletic Development/Conditioning

Light them up! The goal with longevity in health and fitness is to be as capable as possible LONG TERM. This means being able to move exceptionally WELL. The more movement ability we can build, maintain, and move through NOW means we're in a pretty good position to be able to maintain our power, aerobic conditioning, and sense of awareness in movement. The goal is to keep it in the routine…and THIS is part of that routine :).

Movement examples below:

  • Single-sided pressing patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Single-sided pulling patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Single-leg hinge patterns (BW + DB’s +BB)

  • Single-leg squat patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Power movements: sprints, cutting, jumping, rotational

  • Core strengthening movements: anti rotation, rotation, unilateral

  • Conditioning: BW + light DB + light BB

  • Etc

6:00pm - 6:50pm

Fyre AF

Angelika Pasion

Fyre AF

Fyre AF: Power/Athletic Development/Conditioning

Light them up! The goal with longevity in health and fitness is to be as capable as possible LONG TERM. This means being able to move exceptionally WELL. The more movement ability we can build, maintain, and move through NOW means we're in a pretty good position to be able to maintain our power, aerobic conditioning, and sense of awareness in movement. The goal is to keep it in the routine…and THIS is part of that routine :).

Movement examples below:

  • Single-sided pressing patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Single-sided pulling patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Single-leg hinge patterns (BW + DB’s +BB)

  • Single-leg squat patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Power movements: sprints, cutting, jumping, rotational

  • Core strengthening movements: anti rotation, rotation, unilateral

  • Conditioning: BW + light DB + light BB

  • Etc

7:00pm - 7:50pm

Fyre AF

Angelika Pasion

Fyre AF

Fyre AF: Power/Athletic Development/Conditioning

Light them up! The goal with longevity in health and fitness is to be as capable as possible LONG TERM. This means being able to move exceptionally WELL. The more movement ability we can build, maintain, and move through NOW means we're in a pretty good position to be able to maintain our power, aerobic conditioning, and sense of awareness in movement. The goal is to keep it in the routine…and THIS is part of that routine :).

Movement examples below:

  • Single-sided pressing patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Single-sided pulling patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Single-leg hinge patterns (BW + DB’s +BB)

  • Single-leg squat patterns (BW + DB’s + BB)

  • Power movements: sprints, cutting, jumping, rotational

  • Core strengthening movements: anti rotation, rotation, unilateral

  • Conditioning: BW + light DB + light BB

  • Etc



5:00am - 5:50am

Primitive Movement

Primitive Movement

Primitive Movement: Unilateral Movements/Mobility

Mobility = movement ability! In our Primitive Movement class we visit patterns, positions, and ranges of motion that will not only unlock tight joint spaces and lengthen tissue such as muscle and fascia but also challenge the core (center of gravity) so that we build a stable foundation in which to add strength! This is the FOUNDATION! Mixing in corrective elements to improve resistance to injury can also be found in this class structure.

Movement examples below:

  • Rotational pulling/pushing patterns

  • Offset resistance movements to resist the pulling/pushing force being applied.

  • Static holds in challenging ranges of motion.

  • Challenging balance and adaptation in movement.

  • Etc.

6:00am - 6:50am

Primitive Movement

Primitive Movement

Primitive Movement: Unilateral Movements/Mobility

Mobility = movement ability! In our Primitive Movement class we visit patterns, positions, and ranges of motion that will not only unlock tight joint spaces and lengthen tissue such as muscle and fascia but also challenge the core (center of gravity) so that we build a stable foundation in which to add strength! This is the FOUNDATION! Mixing in corrective elements to improve resistance to injury can also be found in this class structure.

Movement examples below:

  • Rotational pulling/pushing patterns

  • Offset resistance movements to resist the pulling/pushing force being applied.

  • Static holds in challenging ranges of motion.

  • Challenging balance and adaptation in movement.

  • Etc.

9:00am - 9:50am

Primitive Movement

Primitive Movement

Primitive Movement: Unilateral Movements/Mobility

Mobility = movement ability! In our Primitive Movement class we visit patterns, positions, and ranges of motion that will not only unlock tight joint spaces and lengthen tissue such as muscle and fascia but also challenge the core (center of gravity) so that we build a stable foundation in which to add strength! This is the FOUNDATION! Mixing in corrective elements to improve resistance to injury can also be found in this class structure.

Movement examples below:

  • Rotational pulling/pushing patterns

  • Offset resistance movements to resist the pulling/pushing force being applied.

  • Static holds in challenging ranges of motion.

  • Challenging balance and adaptation in movement.

  • Etc.

3:30pm - 4:20pm

Primitive Movement

Primitive Movement

Primitive Movement: Unilateral Movements/Mobility

Mobility = movement ability! In our Primitive Movement class we visit patterns, positions, and ranges of motion that will not only unlock tight joint spaces and lengthen tissue such as muscle and fascia but also challenge the core (center of gravity) so that we build a stable foundation in which to add strength! This is the FOUNDATION! Mixing in corrective elements to improve resistance to injury can also be found in this class structure.

Movement examples below:

  • Rotational pulling/pushing patterns

  • Offset resistance movements to resist the pulling/pushing force being applied.

  • Static holds in challenging ranges of motion.

  • Challenging balance and adaptation in movement.

  • Etc.

4:30pm - 5:20pm

Primitive Movement

Primitive Movement

Primitive Movement: Unilateral Movements/Mobility

Mobility = movement ability! In our Primitive Movement class we visit patterns, positions, and ranges of motion that will not only unlock tight joint spaces and lengthen tissue such as muscle and fascia but also challenge the core (center of gravity) so that we build a stable foundation in which to add strength! This is the FOUNDATION! Mixing in corrective elements to improve resistance to injury can also be found in this class structure.

Movement examples below:

  • Rotational pulling/pushing patterns

  • Offset resistance movements to resist the pulling/pushing force being applied.

  • Static holds in challenging ranges of motion.

  • Challenging balance and adaptation in movement.

  • Etc.

6:00pm - 6:50pm

Primitive Movement

Primitive Movement

Primitive Movement: Unilateral Movements/Mobility

Mobility = movement ability! In our Primitive Movement class we visit patterns, positions, and ranges of motion that will not only unlock tight joint spaces and lengthen tissue such as muscle and fascia but also challenge the core (center of gravity) so that we build a stable foundation in which to add strength! This is the FOUNDATION! Mixing in corrective elements to improve resistance to injury can also be found in this class structure.

Movement examples below:

  • Rotational pulling/pushing patterns

  • Offset resistance movements to resist the pulling/pushing force being applied.

  • Static holds in challenging ranges of motion.

  • Challenging balance and adaptation in movement.

  • Etc.

7:00pm - 7:50pm

Primitive Movement

Primitive Movement

Primitive Movement: Unilateral Movements/Mobility

Mobility = movement ability! In our Primitive Movement class we visit patterns, positions, and ranges of motion that will not only unlock tight joint spaces and lengthen tissue such as muscle and fascia but also challenge the core (center of gravity) so that we build a stable foundation in which to add strength! This is the FOUNDATION! Mixing in corrective elements to improve resistance to injury can also be found in this class structure.

Movement examples below:

  • Rotational pulling/pushing patterns

  • Offset resistance movements to resist the pulling/pushing force being applied.

  • Static holds in challenging ranges of motion.

  • Challenging balance and adaptation in movement.

  • Etc.



5:00am - 5:50am



Resilient: Strength! Lower Body Pull/Upper Body Push

Movement will only get tougher as you get stronger. Our “Resilient” class is a class that helps us understand this concept and choose to bear more load on the barbell despite that fact. Confidently walk into the challenge that will give you the results you’ve been looking for! But most importantly it will give you the RESILIENCE long term to stay the course on your fitness journey! We’re in this for the long haul, and being able to adapt and recover quickly is paramount to success. Steady paced intensity over a long duration is the goal.

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Deadlifts

  • DB/Barbell RDL’s

  • Barbell Bench Press

  • DB Bench Press

  • Barbell Overhead Press

  • DB Arnold Press

  • Etc.

6:00am - 6:50am



Resilient: Strength! Lower Body Pull/Upper Body Push

Movement will only get tougher as you get stronger. Our “Resilient” class is a class that helps us understand this concept and choose to bear more load on the barbell despite that fact. Confidently walk into the challenge that will give you the results you’ve been looking for! But most importantly it will give you the RESILIENCE long term to stay the course on your fitness journey! We’re in this for the long haul, and being able to adapt and recover quickly is paramount to success. Steady paced intensity over a long duration is the goal.

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Deadlifts

  • DB/Barbell RDL’s

  • Barbell Bench Press

  • DB Bench Press

  • Barbell Overhead Press

  • DB Arnold Press

  • Etc.

9:00am - 9:50am



Resilient: Strength! Lower Body Pull/Upper Body Push

Movement will only get tougher as you get stronger. Our “Resilient” class is a class that helps us understand this concept and choose to bear more load on the barbell despite that fact. Confidently walk into the challenge that will give you the results you’ve been looking for! But most importantly it will give you the RESILIENCE long term to stay the course on your fitness journey! We’re in this for the long haul, and being able to adapt and recover quickly is paramount to success. Steady paced intensity over a long duration is the goal.

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Deadlifts

  • DB/Barbell RDL’s

  • Barbell Bench Press

  • DB Bench Press

  • Barbell Overhead Press

  • DB Arnold Press

  • Etc.

3:30pm - 4:20pm



Resilient: Strength! Lower Body Pull/Upper Body Push

Movement will only get tougher as you get stronger. Our “Resilient” class is a class that helps us understand this concept and choose to bear more load on the barbell despite that fact. Confidently walk into the challenge that will give you the results you’ve been looking for! But most importantly it will give you the RESILIENCE long term to stay the course on your fitness journey! We’re in this for the long haul, and being able to adapt and recover quickly is paramount to success. Steady paced intensity over a long duration is the goal.

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Deadlifts

  • DB/Barbell RDL’s

  • Barbell Bench Press

  • DB Bench Press

  • Barbell Overhead Press

  • DB Arnold Press

  • Etc.

4:30pm - 5:20pm



Resilient: Strength! Lower Body Pull/Upper Body Push

Movement will only get tougher as you get stronger. Our “Resilient” class is a class that helps us understand this concept and choose to bear more load on the barbell despite that fact. Confidently walk into the challenge that will give you the results you’ve been looking for! But most importantly it will give you the RESILIENCE long term to stay the course on your fitness journey! We’re in this for the long haul, and being able to adapt and recover quickly is paramount to success. Steady paced intensity over a long duration is the goal.

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Deadlifts

  • DB/Barbell RDL’s

  • Barbell Bench Press

  • DB Bench Press

  • Barbell Overhead Press

  • DB Arnold Press

  • Etc.

6:00pm - 6:50pm


Angelika Pasion


Resilient: Strength! Lower Body Pull/Upper Body Push

Movement will only get tougher as you get stronger. Our “Resilient” class is a class that helps us understand this concept and choose to bear more load on the barbell despite that fact. Confidently walk into the challenge that will give you the results you’ve been looking for! But most importantly it will give you the RESILIENCE long term to stay the course on your fitness journey! We’re in this for the long haul, and being able to adapt and recover quickly is paramount to success. Steady paced intensity over a long duration is the goal.

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Deadlifts

  • DB/Barbell RDL’s

  • Barbell Bench Press

  • DB Bench Press

  • Barbell Overhead Press

  • DB Arnold Press

  • Etc.

7:00pm - 7:50pm


Angelika Pasion


Resilient: Strength! Lower Body Pull/Upper Body Push

Movement will only get tougher as you get stronger. Our “Resilient” class is a class that helps us understand this concept and choose to bear more load on the barbell despite that fact. Confidently walk into the challenge that will give you the results you’ve been looking for! But most importantly it will give you the RESILIENCE long term to stay the course on your fitness journey! We’re in this for the long haul, and being able to adapt and recover quickly is paramount to success. Steady paced intensity over a long duration is the goal.

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Deadlifts

  • DB/Barbell RDL’s

  • Barbell Bench Press

  • DB Bench Press

  • Barbell Overhead Press

  • DB Arnold Press

  • Etc.



5:00am - 5:50am



THICC: Strength! Full Core - Abs/Glutes

The center of gravity of the body is the most important piece to build when considering long term success in building strength. With that being said we make sure we build it the right way by focusing an entire day solely on abs and glutes! THICC focuses exclusively on building power, strength, and size of glutes (booty muscles!) and abdomen. In doing so we create the foundation of having a strong lower body, upper body, and movement platform to be able to dominate not only in the gym…but dominate our daily tasks in life! In short…build the booty and the rest will follow!

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Glute Bridges

  • Banded Glute work (various movements/patterns)

  • Anti Rotation Core work (various movements/patterns)

  • Movement Based & Static Based Core work (various movements/patterns)

  • Single-sided Lower Body Movements

  • Etc.

6:00am - 6:50am



THICC: Strength! Full Core - Abs/Glutes

The center of gravity of the body is the most important piece to build when considering long term success in building strength. With that being said we make sure we build it the right way by focusing an entire day solely on abs and glutes! THICC focuses exclusively on building power, strength, and size of glutes (booty muscles!) and abdomen. In doing so we create the foundation of having a strong lower body, upper body, and movement platform to be able to dominate not only in the gym…but dominate our daily tasks in life! In short…build the booty and the rest will follow!

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Glute Bridges

  • Banded Glute work (various movements/patterns)

  • Anti Rotation Core work (various movements/patterns)

  • Movement Based & Static Based Core work (various movements/patterns)

  • Single-sided Lower Body Movements

  • Etc.

9:00am - 9:50am



THICC: Strength! Full Core - Abs/Glutes

The center of gravity of the body is the most important piece to build when considering long term success in building strength. With that being said we make sure we build it the right way by focusing an entire day solely on abs and glutes! THICC focuses exclusively on building power, strength, and size of glutes (booty muscles!) and abdomen. In doing so we create the foundation of having a strong lower body, upper body, and movement platform to be able to dominate not only in the gym…but dominate our daily tasks in life! In short…build the booty and the rest will follow!

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Glute Bridges

  • Banded Glute work (various movements/patterns)

  • Anti Rotation Core work (various movements/patterns)

  • Movement Based & Static Based Core work (various movements/patterns)

  • Single-sided Lower Body Movements

  • Etc.

3:30pm - 4:20pm



THICC: Strength! Full Core - Abs/Glutes

The center of gravity of the body is the most important piece to build when considering long term success in building strength. With that being said we make sure we build it the right way by focusing an entire day solely on abs and glutes! THICC focuses exclusively on building power, strength, and size of glutes (booty muscles!) and abdomen. In doing so we create the foundation of having a strong lower body, upper body, and movement platform to be able to dominate not only in the gym…but dominate our daily tasks in life! In short…build the booty and the rest will follow!

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Glute Bridges

  • Banded Glute work (various movements/patterns)

  • Anti Rotation Core work (various movements/patterns)

  • Movement Based & Static Based Core work (various movements/patterns)

  • Single-sided Lower Body Movements

  • Etc.

4:30pm - 5:20pm



THICC: Strength! Full Core - Abs/Glutes

The center of gravity of the body is the most important piece to build when considering long term success in building strength. With that being said we make sure we build it the right way by focusing an entire day solely on abs and glutes! THICC focuses exclusively on building power, strength, and size of glutes (booty muscles!) and abdomen. In doing so we create the foundation of having a strong lower body, upper body, and movement platform to be able to dominate not only in the gym…but dominate our daily tasks in life! In short…build the booty and the rest will follow!

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Glute Bridges

  • Banded Glute work (various movements/patterns)

  • Anti Rotation Core work (various movements/patterns)

  • Movement Based & Static Based Core work (various movements/patterns)

  • Single-sided Lower Body Movements

  • Etc.

6:00pm - 6:50pm


Angelika Pasion


THICC: Strength! Full Core - Abs/Glutes

The center of gravity of the body is the most important piece to build when considering long term success in building strength. With that being said we make sure we build it the right way by focusing an entire day solely on abs and glutes! THICC focuses exclusively on building power, strength, and size of glutes (booty muscles!) and abdomen. In doing so we create the foundation of having a strong lower body, upper body, and movement platform to be able to dominate not only in the gym…but dominate our daily tasks in life! In short…build the booty and the rest will follow!

Movement examples below:

  • Barbell Glute Bridges

  • Banded Glute work (various movements/patterns)

  • Anti Rotation Core work (various movements/patterns)

  • Movement Based & Static Based Core work (various movements/patterns)

  • Single-sided Lower Body Movements

  • Etc.



8:00am - 8:50am

Hunting Grounds!

Angelika Pasion

Hunting Grounds!

Hunting Grounds: Absolutely Everything!

Adapting! One main factor to success in any endeavor is the ability to adapt. And this includes our goals in the gym and health and wellness as a whole! In our Hunting Grounds format you can expect to see compound movement patterns, corrective movement patterns, mobility, conditioning, athletic development, and everything in between! Everything under the kitchen sink to say it best! Another benefit with this all encompassing format is the ability to flush the body evenly with a balanced day of movement and exercise. We elevate the heart rate, tax muscle groups and energy systems, but most importantly focus on balancing every factor of movement. This allows us to recover as we move and build strength. And as hunters we must prepare to be efficient and ready for any challenge!

Movement examples below:

  • Compound Movements: deadlift variations, squat variations, push/pull variations,etc.

  • Corrective Movements

  • Mobility

  • Conditioning

  • Athletic Development

  • Etc.

9:00am - 9:50am

Hunting Grounds!

Angelika Pasion

Hunting Grounds!

Hunting Grounds: Absolutely Everything!

Adapting! One main factor to success in any endeavor is the ability to adapt. And this includes our goals in the gym and health and wellness as a whole! In our Hunting Grounds format you can expect to see compound movement patterns, corrective movement patterns, mobility, conditioning, athletic development, and everything in between! Everything under the kitchen sink to say it best! Another benefit with this all encompassing format is the ability to flush the body evenly with a balanced day of movement and exercise. We elevate the heart rate, tax muscle groups and energy systems, but most importantly focus on balancing every factor of movement. This allows us to recover as we move and build strength. And as hunters we must prepare to be efficient and ready for any challenge!

Movement examples below:

  • Compound Movements: deadlift variations, squat variations, push/pull variations,etc.

  • Corrective Movements

  • Mobility

  • Conditioning

  • Athletic Development

  • Etc.

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