Kelsey George - Primitive Movement x Swole AF | Garden Grove, CA

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Kelsey George

Kelsey George photo Kelsey George

Coach Kelsey is NASM certified personal trainer with a degree in Kinesiology as well! She’s grown in the fitness industry in large part because of her adaptability with clients in being able to ask the right questions to find the best solutions in achieving goals in and out of the gym. Her philosophy and training style are influenced by the mantra of showing up and understanding that the results you are seeing are due to the work you put in. You get out of it what you put into it. This helps clients understand that the resiliency and strength they build is an adaptation in lifestyle. Most importantly across all facets of life, solving the one usually solves the whole. If you approach everything with the acceptance of the responsibility of what is needed to achieve it then you will be in pretty good SHAPE seeing it through!

Coach Kelsey’s experience in the sport of Track & Field also helps apply her knowledge of the body’s capabilities and reactions to movement with our members. This only makes for a greater training experience as movements and intensity are very easily scaled up or down depending on the need of the individual! 

Be sure to catch Coach Kelsey in our weekly evening class flow!