Erik Palacios - Primitive Movement x Swole AF | Garden Grove, CA

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Erik Palacios

Erik Palacios photo Erik Palacios

Coach Erik has over 6 years of experience coaching. He specializes in boot camp classes, including various other styles of training including athletic development, hypertrophy, and extensive knowledge in powerlifting. When it comes to individuals who are new to the gym and the group training environment Erik is great at being able to hone in on building a comfortable setting to move and develop in. His ability to simplify lifts as he breaks down movement patterns as well as his kind and patient demeanor really contribute in building upon our family type setting at Primitive x Swole AF. Erik is a strong believer in the acronym Keep it Simple Stupid (KISS) when it comes to training and life in general, and he carries that philosophy over into his coaching. One of his favorite outcomes about coaching is helping clients achieve the feats of strength their bodies are capable of when they’re given the proper instruction and encouragement. He has competed in powerlifting, having won a state championship and placed in a regional fit expo. He served 8 years in the US Army and has 2 campaigns served in Afghanistan.

You can catch Coach Erik in our weekend schedule as well as online, teaching you guys how to move and improve your daily habits!